Main function

In this section, you'll learn how to apply all the code in this chapter to main.cpp. If everything is done correctly, you should be able to cam your axis properly. To help you review what you have learned, we add comments into the code to describe the meaning of the functions.

  1. In main.cpp, under Homing.h, add the following code:
  2. Copy
    #include "Cam.h"
  3. In int _tmain, under the code block if (!StartKingstar()), add the following code to get the number of devices on your EtherCAT network.
  4. Copy
        //Create an instance of the SubsystemStatus structure and get the state from it.
        SubsystemStatus Subsystem = { ecatOffline, ecatOffline, 0, 0, 0, {ecatOffline}, {ecatOffline}, {axisOffline} };
        GetStatus(&Subsystem, NULL);

        //Display the details of the EtherCAT network.
        RtPrintf("Number of Devices found: %d\n", Subsystem.SlaveCount);
        RtPrintf("Number of Axes found: %d\n", Subsystem.AxesCount);
        RtPrintf("Number of I/O found: %d\n", Subsystem.IOCount);

  5. Under RtPrintf("\n");, add the following code to cam an axis. Remember that it's the master axis we move. The slave's position is always following the master while it is cammed.
  6. We display the details of the servo drives so you know we use two different drives for camming. We set the motion profiles, convert the units, and tune the PIDs. You can use the function in Chapter 4 to do this.

        //Declare indexes for axes and a cam table.
        int Master = 1;
        int Slave = 6;
        int Table = 0;
        double setPosition = 0;
        KsCommandStatus cam = { 0 };

        //Display the information of devices.

        //Set motion profiles.
        //You need to set motion profiles, or the minimum following error will be large.

        //Convert the unit. In this tutorial we convert it to degrees.

        //PID tuning.
        /*When you use velocity or torque modes, you must tune PID.
          In this tutorial we use modeMasterIntPos, which doesn't require PID,
          but you should offer PID values for your drive to get the best performance.*/

        //Enable axes.

        //Set a starting position for the master and slave axes so they can be synchronized quickly.
        SetAxisPositionOffset(Master, setPosition, FALSE, mcImmediately);
        SetAxisPositionOffset(Slave, setPosition, FALSE, mcImmediately);

        //Define a cam table.

        //Link the master and slave.
        //We use camRampTime for the cam mode.
        cam = AssignCamSlave(Master, Slave, Table);

        //Move the master and display its position.
        MoveRelative(Master, 150);

        //Display the slave's position.

        //Check whether the axes are synchronized.
        if (cam.InSync)
            RtPrintf("The master and slave axes are synchronized.\n\n");

        //Detach the slave axis from the master.

        //Disable axes.

Complete code

In conclusion, in main.cpp, your code should be as follows:

#include "RT_Project_01.h"
#include "SystemInitialization.h"
#include "IOModule.h"
#include "AxisConfiguration.h"
#include "SingleAxisMotion.h"
#include "Homing.h"
#include "Cam.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR * argv[])
    //Start the KINGSTAR Subsystem.
    if (!StartKingstar())
        RtPrintf("The KINGSTAR Subsystem is not started.\n");
        return -1;

        RtPrintf("The KINGSTAR Subsystem is started.\n");


    //Create an instance of the SubsystemStatus structure and get the state from it.
    SubsystemStatus Subsystem = { ecatOffline, ecatOffline, 0, 0, 0, {ecatOffline}, {ecatOffline}, {axisOffline} };
    GetStatus(&Subsystem, NULL);

    //Display the details of the EtherCAT network.
    RtPrintf("Number of Devices found: %d\n", Subsystem.SlaveCount);
    RtPrintf("Number of Axes found: %d\n", Subsystem.AxesCount);
    RtPrintf("Number of I/O found: %d\n", Subsystem.IOCount);

    //Declare indexes for axes and a cam table.
    int Master = 1;
    int Slave = 6;
    int Table = 0;
    double setPosition = 0;
    KsCommandStatus cam = { 0 };

    //Display the information of devices.

    //Set motion profiles.
    //You need to set motion profiles, or the minimum following error will be large.

    //Convert the unit. In this tutorial we convert it to degrees.

    //PID tuning.
    /*When you use velocity or torque modes, you must tune PID.
      In this tutorial we use modeMasterIntPos, which doesn't require PID,
      but you should offer PID values for your drive to get the best performance.*/

    //Enable axes.

    //Set a starting position for the master and slave axes so they can be synchronized quickly.
    SetAxisPositionOffset(Master, setPosition, FALSE, mcImmediately);
    SetAxisPositionOffset(Slave, setPosition, FALSE, mcImmediately);

    //Define a cam table.

    //Link the master and slave.
    //We use camRampTime for the cam mode.
    cam = AssignCamSlave(Master, Slave, Table);

    //Move the master and display its position.
    MoveRelative(Master, 150);

    //Display the slave's position.

    //Check whether the axes are synchronized.
    if (cam.InSync)
        RtPrintf("The master and slave axes are synchronized.\n\n");

    //Detach the slave axis from the master.

    //Disable axes.
    //Stop the KINGSTAR Subsystem.
    if (!StopKingstar())
        RtPrintf("The KINGSTAR Subsystem is not stopped.\n");
        return -1;

        RtPrintf("The KINGSTAR Subsystem is stopped.\n");
    return 0;

NOTE:  To let you easily understand how to move an axis, we leave only necessary code in the main function. You can add more code depending on your needs.

NOTE:  You probably have noticed that some header files are not used because we didn't include their related functions in the main function. Feel free to comment out unused header files. In the tutorial, we preserve all the header files in case you want to use any of the functions you have learned.

