
The PID settings of KINGSTAR Motion.

Name Type Meaning
KP double Proportional gain.
KI double Integral gain.
KILimitPercent double The maximum integral error in percent of the maximum output. For example, if the maximum torque is 50%, KILimitPercent is 10%, the maximum intergral error is 5% of the torque.
KD double Derivative gain.
KV double Velocity feedforward gain.
KAA double Acceleration feedforward gain.
KAD double Deceleration feedforward gain.
KJ double Jerk feedforward gain.
ReducedGainsDelay double Determines when the axis starts using RgFactor after finishing the move. Unit: second.
RgFactor double KP, KI, and KD multiplied by this factor after ReducedGainsDelay.
KIStoppedOnly BOOL Uses KI gain only after the move is done, in case you want to avoid KI during the move to avoid overshooting but have it after to remove the steady-state error. By default, it is TRUE.
KDUseSecondEncoder BOOL Uses the internal position encoder for KD. By default, it is FALSE.
MinimumOutput double The minimum output of the PID. The minimum torque in % or minimum velocity.
MaximumOutput double The maximum output of the PID. The maximum torque in % or maximum velocity.