
Selects which signal will trigger touch probe.

Name Type Meaning
TouchProbeId int There are two touch probes to use. ID can be 0 or 1.
Software BOOL

Determines whether to use software touch probe. When it is TRUE, use AxisSwitch, Index, and Offset for KINGSTAR to select the digital input; when FALSE, use IndexPulse to tell the drive which signal to use. By default, it is FALSE.

TRUE: uses KINGSTAR touch probe.

FALSE: uses the servo drive's touch probe.


Selects rising or falling edge. Not all servo drives support falling edge. By default, it is FALSE.

TRUE: rising edge (records when zero becomes one).

FALSE: falling edge (records when one becomes zero).

IndexPulse BOOL

Chooses what signal will trigger touch probe. This option is available only when Software is FALSE. By default, it is FALSE.

TRUE: uses a Z signal to trigger.

FALSE: uses a digital input (DI) from a servo drive to trigger. Check the servo drive manual to see which DI can be used.

AxisSwitch BOOL

The digital input is from an axis or I/O module. By default, it is FALSE.

TRUE: axis.

FALSE: I/O module.

Index int The index of an axis or I/O module.
Offset int The digital input's offset for an axis or I/O module.