
The states of an EtherCAT slave.

Name Type Meaning
Name[64] CHAR The name of a device.
VendorId DWORD The vendor ID of a device, given by the EtherCAT Technology Group to the manufacturer of the EtherCAT device.
ProductCode DWORD The product code of a device.
RevisionNumber DWORD The revision number of a device.
SerialNumber DWORD The serial number of a device.
SlaveId int The slave ID for a device. Used for SDO functions.
SlotId int

For IO-Link devices, a slot is an IO-Link port of an IO-Link master that can be connected to an EtherCAT network. SlotId is the ID of a slot where a module (IO-Link slave) is connected. For CAN devices, it is the CAN ID.

For non-modular devices, the values are -1.

PhysAddress USHORT Physical address of a device, used by the EtherCAT master to access the slave.
AliasAddress USHORT The alias address of a device, defined in the module EEPROM. This address is used to recognize a specific device regardless of its position on the EtherCAT network. For example, you can use the alias address to differentiate X, Y, and Z axes.
ExplicitId USHORT The explicit ID is an address on the EtherCAT network used to identify an EtherCAT slave. It can be set using the rotary switches on the servo drive or I/O module, or the configuration tool bundled with the device, before the device is added to the EtherCAT network. The explicit ID identifies the servo drives or I/O modules of the same model on the same EtherCAT network.
State EthercatState The EtherCAT state of a device.
RequestedState EthercatState Reads the EtherCAT state from the latest RequestState function call.
InputLength int For I/O modules only. The length of the input data read from a device.
OutputLength int For I/O modules only. The length of the output data sent to a device.
CycleTime int The cycle time for a slave. If the slaves on the EtherCAT network can't catch up the cycle time of the master, KINGSTAR auto-configuration will slow down the cycle time based on their capabilities.
VariableIndexOffset WORD If you are using multi-axis servo drives and you want to read the data from one of the axes, you can use this parameter to retrieve the offset value of the SDO object addresses of that axis. For example, the actual position of the first axis is at #x6064. If the second axis is at #x6864, the offset value of the second axis is #x800. This parameter can be used only on axes.