
The errors of a function or function block.

Normal states

Name Value Meaning
errNoError 0 The command succeeded.
errBusy 1 The function or feature is busy.

API errors

Name Value Meaning
errNullParameter 0x1000 The output is invalid because one of the parameter is a null pointer.
errWrongParameter 0x1001 One of the parameters has been rejected.
errSubsystemNotRunning 0x1002 The KINGSTAR Subsystem is not running.
errLinkBusy 0x1003 The link with Windows is busy.
errNoLicense 0x1004 No license for the feature.
errWrongEnvironment 0x1005 The command can't be run in the current condition.
errVariableUnavailable 0x1006 The variable is not mapped to PDO.
errVariableSizeIncoherent 0x1007 The size given for the variable in the database does not make sense.
errUserCancelled 0x1008 The command was cancelled by the user.
errTimeout 0x1009 The command is sent but the system does't respond.

Startup errors

Name Value Meaning
errNoNicSelected 0x2000 No network interface card is selected.
errNicNotFound 0x2001 No network interface card.
errLinkDisconnected 0x2002 The network interface card is not connected to any hardware.
errNoSlave 0x2003 No slave drives.
errUnknownSlave 0x2004 The slave is unknown.
errNoMemory 0x2005 The memory allocated for KINGSTAR is not enough.
errNoFile 0x2006 BaseDevice.dat is not found.
errIncorrectFormat 0x2007 The content of BaseDevice.dat doesn't use KINGSTAR's format.
errWrongDeviceCount 0x2008 The number of devices on the bus does not match the number of devices scanned.
errInitFailed 0x2009 An EtherCAT slave can't enter the Init state.
errPreOpFailed 0x200A An EtherCAT slave can't enter the Pre-Operational state.
errSafeOpFailed 0x200B An EtherCAT slave can't enter the Safe-Operational state.
errOpFailed 0x200C An EtherCAT slave can't enter the Operational state.
errDcFailed 0x200D An EtherCAT slave's distributed clock can't be configured.
errMdpFailed 0x200E Scanning the modules attached to a coupler on the network failed.
errFailed 0x200F The function failed.

Motion errors

Name Value Meaning
errWrongControlMode 0x3000 The API function can't be used in this control mode.
errCommandBufferFull 0x3001 The command buffer is full. The buffer can contain up to 512 commands.
errInvalidHandle 0x3002 The specified handle doesn't correspond to any command in the Subsystem.
errWrongAxisState 0x3003 The axis can't perform the task.
errNoSensorDefined 0x3004 The homing function is used without defining the home sensor.
errFollowingError 0x3005 The maximum following error is reached. The motion is stopped and the axis is disabled.
errMinimumLimit 0x3006 The maximum travel distance in the negative direction is reached. The motion is stopped.
errMaximumLimit 0x3007 The maximum travel distance in the positive direction is reached. The motion is stopped.
errCommandJump 0x3008 The new target position is too far from the previous target position.

SDO errors

Name Value Meaning
errSdoToggleBit 0x4000 Toggle bit not changed.
errSdoTimeout 0x4001 SDO protocol timeout.
errSdoCommandSpecifier 0x4002 Client/Server command specifier not valid or unknown.
errSdoOutOfMemory 0x4003 Out of memory.
errSdoUnsupportedAccess 0x4004 Unsupported access to an object.
errSdoWriteOnly 0x4005 Attempt to read to a write-only object.
errSdoReadOnly 0x4006 Attempt to write to a read-only object.
errSdoSubindexReadOnly 0x4007 Subindex cannot be written. SI0 must be zero for write access.
errSdoNoCompleteAccess 0x4008 SDO Complete Access not supported for objects of variable length such as enum object types.
errSdoObjectTooLong 0x4009 Object length exceeds mailbox size.
errSdoObjectInPdo 0x400A Object mapped to RxPDO. SDO Download blocked.
errSdoObjectNotExist 0x400B The object doesn't exist in the object directory.
errSdoNoPdoMapping 0x400C The object can't be mapped into PDO.
errSdoPdoLengthExceeded 0x400D The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed the PDO length.
errSdoParameterIncompatible 0x400E General parameter incompatibility reason.
errSdoInternalIncompatible 0x400F General internal incompatibility in the device.
errSdoHardwareError 0x4010 Access failed due to a hardware error.
errSdoLengthIncorrect 0x4011 Data type doesn't match. Length of service parameter doesn't match.
errSdoLengthTooHigh 0x4012 Data type doesn't match. Length of service parameter too high.
errSdoLengthTooLow 0x4013 Data type doesn't match. Length of service parameter too low.
errSdoSubindexNotExist 0x4014 Subindex doesn't exist.
errSdoValueOutOfRange 0x4015 Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access).
errSdoValueTooHigh 0x4016 Value of parameter written too high.
errSdoValueTooLow 0x4017 Value of parameter written too low.
errSdoMaxBelowMin 0x4018 The maximum value is less than the minimum value.
errSdoGeneralError 0x4019 General error.
errSdoCannotTransfer 0x401A Data can't be transferred or stored to the application.
errSdoCannotTransferLocal 0x401B Data can't be transferred or stored to the application because of local control.
errSdoWrongState 0x401C Data can't be transferred or stored to the application because of the present device state.
errSdoDictionaryNotAvailable 0x401D Object dictionary dynamic generation fails or no object dictionary is present.