
Defines how to blend the velocity of two functions. It can be used for single axis or multiple axes.

Some functions have an input called "BufferMode." With this input, the functions can either work in the non-buffered mode (default behavior) or in the buffered mode.

Non-buffered mode: the command acts immediately, even if this interrupts another motion. The buffer is cleared.

Buffered mode: the command waits until the current function sets its "Done" field (or InSync, InVelocity...).

Name Value Meaning
mcAborting 0 The current function aborts all queued motion except StopAxis and this function affects the axis immediately. The buffer is cleared.
mcBuffered 1 The current function affects the axis as soon as the previous move is "Done." The velocity will be set to zero before the axis starts the next move.
mcBlendingLow 2 The velocity is blended with the lower velocity of two functions.
mcBlendingPrevious 3 The velocity is blended with the velocity of the first function.
mcBlendingNext 4 The velocity is blended with the velocity of the second function.
mcBlendingHigh 5 The velocity is blended with the higher velocity of two functions.
mcCancel 6 The current function is canceled if there is an ongoing motion.