
The mode to home an axis. For more information about how each homing mode works, see Concepts > Homing.

Name Value Meaning
homingLatch 0 Home using the drive latch function. The touch probe function of the axis is used to latch the position when reaching the Z signal sensor. The axis then goes back to that position. Not all axis have the touch probe function. Some axes can use an external sensor for this function. It uses SetAxisTouchProbe on probe zero as the trigger. To use this feature, you need to set SetAxisTouchProbe first.
homingSoft 1 The sensor can be connected to any digital input. The axis oscillates around the sensor with decreasing speed to find the home position precisely.
homingSensor 2 Home using the sensor value to oscillate. A device goes forward when the sensor is off and backward when it is on. This mode is for users who set a limit switch as the homing sensor. If you use a limit switch as a homing sensor, the axis will go back and forth around the limit switch until it finds the home position precisely.
homingSlave 3 Home using the servo drive's homing features. You need to use SDO commands to configure the drive homing feature in the drive first, and then use this parameter to home the axis. After selecting homingSlave, you need to select the homing mode your servo drive provides, and then set the homing motion profile. In this mode, the homing direction is determined by the homing mode of your servo drive.
homingOnPosition 4 Sets the current position as the home position. Use this when the user application does the homing itself.