
Gets the value of a vendor-specific parameter from an axis. The returned value has to be converted to double if necessary. If not possible, the vendor has to supply a vendor-specific function to read the parameter. The parameters are defined in McAxisParameter.


KsError GetAxisParameter(
     int Index,
     McAxisParameter ParameterNumber,
     double* Value


Index [in]: the index of an axis. Indexes are zero based. Aliases affect this parameter.

ParameterNumber [in]: a parameter from the McAxisParameter type. You can use the parameter name or its corresponding number.

Value [out]: reads the value of the parameter you picked from the McAxisParameter type.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns errNoError, otherwise an error code. For more information about the error code, see the KsError list.




  RT Win32
Minimum supported version 4.0 4.0
Header ksmotion.h ksmotion.h
Library KsApi_Rtss.lib KsApi.lib

See also
