
Sets the position of all axes in a group without moving the axes. The new coordinates are described in an array. With the coordinate system input a coordinate system is selected accordingly. The input coordinates will be converted from the provided coordinate system to the specified coordinate system for the values to be sent to individual axes. The position will be updated for all available coordinate systems.


KsCommandStatus SetGroupPositionOffset(
     int Index,
     int Length,
     double* Position,
     BOOL Relative,
     McCoordSystem CoordSystem,
     McExecutionMode ExecutionMode


Index [in]: the index of an axis group. Indexes are zero based. Aliases affect this parameter. You can have up to 32 groups.

Length [in]: the length of the Position array.

Position [in]: the array of coordinates that represents the desired position of the group, including positions and orientations. Each axis in the group needs one value. It means distance if Relative = TRUE.

Relative [in]: the mode of position inputs. TRUE: relative distance. FALSE: absolute position. By default it's FALSE.

CoordSystem [in]: a coordinate system. See the McCoordSystem type.

ExecutionMode [in]: defines the chronological sequence of the function. See the McExecutionMode type.

Return value

Returns the KsCommandStatus structure.




  RT Win32
Minimum supported version 4.0 4.0
Header ksmotion.h ksmotion.h
Library KsApi_Rtss.lib KsApi.lib