
Gets information concerning an axis, such as modes, inputs directly related to the axis, and certain status information.


KsError GetAxisInfo(
     int Index,
     BOOL* HomeAbsSwitch,
     BOOL* LimitSwitchPos,
     BOOL* LimitSwitchNeg,
     BOOL* Simulation,
     BOOL* CommunicationReady,
     BOOL* ReadyForPowerOn,
     BOOL* PowerOn,
     BOOL* IsHomed,
     BOOL* AxisWarning


Index [in]: the index of an axis. Indexes are zero based. Aliases affect this parameter.

HomeAbsSwitch [out]: checks whether the digital home switch input is active.

LimitSwitchPos [out]: checks whether the positive hardware end switch is active.

LimitSwitchNeg [out]: checks whether the negative hardware end switch is active.

Simulation [out]: checks whether the axis is in simulation mode. For example, a motor is simulated.

CommunicationReady [out]: checks whether the EtherCAT network is initialized and ready for communication.

ReadyForPowerOn [out]: checks whether the axis is ready to be enabled (power on).

PowerOn [out]: checks whether the axis is powered on. TRUE = On.

IsHomed [out]: checks whether the axis is homed successfully after the axis is homed.

AxisWarning [out]: checks whether warnings on the axis are present.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns errNoError, otherwise an error code. For more information about the error code, see the KsError list.




  RT Win32
Minimum supported version 4.0 4.0
Header ksmotion.h ksmotion.h
Library KsApi_Rtss.lib KsApi.lib

See also


