
Links the axes and starts to cam.


KsCommandStatus SetAxisCam(
     int Master,
     int Slave,
     BOOL Permanent,
     double MasterOffset,
     double SlaveOffset,
     double MasterScaling,
     double SlaveScaling,
     McCamStartMode StartMode,
     double StartParameter,
     McSource MasterValueSource,
     int Cam,
     McBufferMode BufferMode


Master [in]: the index of the master axis. Indexes are zero based. Aliases affect this parameter.

Slave [in]: the index of the slave axis. Indexes are zero based. Aliases affect this parameter.

Permanent [in]: determines whether the cam state is preserved after the motor is disabled.

TRUE: the cam state is preserved even if the motor is disabled. For example, if the master axis is enabled, the slave axis will be enabled. If an error has occurred on the master, it occurred on the slave too.

FALSE: the cam state won't be preserved after the motor is disabled.

MasterOffset [in]: the offset to the positions of the master axis in the cam table.

SlaveOffset [in]: the offset to the positions of the slave axis in the cam table.

MasterScaling [in]: the factor for the master profile (default = 1.0). From the slave point of view the overall master profile is multiplied by this factor.

SlaveScaling [in]: the factor for the slave profile (default = 1.0). The overall slave profile is multiplied by this factor.

StartMode [in]: the cam mode your axes use. See the McCamStartMode type.

StartParameter [in]: depends on the start ramp you choose. If it is camRampDistance, StartParameter is the distance the slave moves. The unit is count. If it is camRampTime, StartParameter is the time the slaves takes to move. The unit is second. This parameter uses the master's information to determine how to move the slave. The distance is based on how far the master moves.

MasterValueSource [in]: defines the source for synchronization. See the McSource type.

Cam [in]: the index of the cam table, linked to the output of SetCamTable.

BufferMode [in]: defines how to blend the velocity of two functions. See the McBufferMode type.

Return value

Returns the KsCommandStatus structure.



KsCommandStatus AssignCamSlave(INT Master, INT Slave, INT Table) {
   BOOL InSync = FALSE;
   BOOL Busy = FALSE;
   BOOL Active = FALSE;
   BOOL CommandAborted = FALSE;
   BOOL Error = FALSE;
   WORD ErrorId = 0;
   INT QueueIndex = -1;
   BOOL EndOfProfile = FALSE;
   KsCommandStatus cam = SetAxisCam(Master, Slave, FALSE,
      0, //Master Offset. Offset to add to the master positions in the CAM table
      0, //Slave Offset. Offset to add to the slave positions in the CAM table
      1, /*Master Scaling. Ratio to apply to the distance between 
           the master positions and the original position*/
      1, //Slave Scaling. Ratio to apply to the slave positions in the CAM table
      camRelative, //StartMode. 
         /*Absolute: The slave axis will jump to its target in the table.
           Alarms may be triggered if the position is too far.*/
         //Relative: The current master/slave positions are used as origin for the CAM table.
         /*Ramp Distance: The slave axis will ramp to its target position
           while the master axis moves along the distance provided in StartParameter*/
         /*Ramp Time: The slave axis will ramp to its target position
           over the period of time provided in seconds in StartParameter*/
      0, //Start Parameter 
      mcSetValue, /*Master Value Source. Value of the master position used.
                    Cam be the target position (commanded value and set value are identical)
                    or the actual position.*/
   return cam;


  RT Win32
Minimum supported version 4.0 4.0
Header ksmotion.h ksmotion.h
Library KsApi_Rtss.lib KsApi.lib

See also

