Enable a group

EnableGroup puts a group to Standstill. After enabling a group, use ResetGroup to reset the group in case it has any error. You can also use ResetAxis to reset the alarm before you add an axis to a group.

NOTE:  Enabling a group doesn't mean the axes in the group are enabled. You need to use PowerAxis to enable each.

VOID GroupEnable(int Group)
    RtPrintf("Enable Group %d.\n\n", Group);

    KsError nRet = EnableGroup(Group);
    if (nRet != errNoError)
        RtPrintf("EnableGroup failed: %x\n\n", nRet);

    //ResetGroup can be used only after the group is enabled.
    KsCommandStatus resetGroup = WaitForCommand(3, FALSE, ResetGroup(Group));
    if (resetGroup.Error)
        RtPrintf("ResetGroup failed: %d\n\n", resetGroup.ErrorId);