
The states of an EtherCAT link.

Name Type Meaning
State EthercatState The EtherCAT state of the master. The link is considered ready when the master is in operational state.
RequestedState EthercatState Reads the EtherCAT state from the latest RequestState function call.
SlaveCount int The total number of slaves on the EtherCAT network.
IOCount int The number of I/O modules on the EtherCAT network.
AxesCount int The number of axes on the EtherCAT network.
SlaveStates[256] EthercatState The EtherCAT state of a slave. The link is considered ready when the slave is in operational state.
IOStates[256] EthercatState The EtherCAT state of an I/O module. The link is considered ready when the I/O module is in operational state.
AxesStates[256] AxisState The state of an axis. Combines the EtherCAT and motion states.