
Adds the TouchProbeControl and TouchProbeStatus variables to PDO.


KsError EnableTouchProbe(
     BOOL Active


Active: TRUE: the TouchProbeControl and TouchProbeStatus variables are mapped to PDO. FALSE: not mapped to PDO. By default, it is TRUE.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns errNoError, otherwise an error code. For more information about the error code, see the KsError list.


This function must be called after Create and before Start.

Usable EtherCAT states



// This code snippet demonstrates how to use subsystem configuration
// and axis variable APIs to configure the setting before starting
// KINGSTAR subsystem.

// Variable declaration
KsError nRet = errNoError;
KsCommandStatus Command = { 0 };
SubsystemStatus Subsystem = { ecatOffline, ecatOffline, 0, 0, 0, {ecatOffline}, {ecatOffline}, {axisOffline} };
double featStatus = -1.0;

// Link to the KINGSTAR subsystem
nRet = Create(0, 0);

// Configure the subsystem settings
// Before enable the features, please check if the corresponding licenses are all enabled
// in the runtime environment.
nRet = ConfigureDc(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
nRet = EnableAutoConfig(TRUE);
nRet = EnableAutoRepair(TRUE);
nRet = EnableAutoRestart(TRUE);
nRet = EnableHotConnect(FALSE);
nRet = EnableRedundancy(FALSE);
nRet = EnableServerLog(FALSE);
nRet = SetCycleTime(cycle500);

// Configure the axis variables
// Before enabling variables in the program, you should:
// 1. Read the user manual to check if the variables are available in the device.
// 2. Check if the corresponding variables are put in the PDO list in ESI import tool.
// For further details, see Help System >> KINGSTAR ESI Import Tool >> Tabs >> PDO.
nRet = EnableActualCurrent(TRUE);
nRet = EnableActualTorque(TRUE);
nRet = EnableActualVelocity(TRUE);
nRet = EnableAxisInput(TRUE);
nRet = EnableAxisOutput(FALSE);
nRet = EnableFollowingError(TRUE);
nRet = EnableMaxCurrent(TRUE);
nRet = EnableMaxTorque(TRUE);
nRet = EnableProfilePosition(FALSE);
nRet = EnableSecondEncoder(FALSE);
nRet = EnableSynchronizedControlMode(TRUE);
nRet = EnableTorqueOffset(FALSE);
nRet = EnableTouchProbe(FALSE);
nRet = SetAxisAccessMode(accessPos); // Refer to KsAccessMode page for detailed introduction

// Subsystem setting can be checked anytime after successfully calling Create().
// It is useful to check the feature status when you save the settings in a .kst file
// and start the subsystem via StartFromConfiguration().
nRet = GetFeatureStatus(KsFeature::featureCycleTime, &featStatus);

// Start the EtherCAT network
// You can only configure the setting before starting the subsystem
// If you need to modify the setting, call Stop() first.
Command = WaitForCommand(30, TRUE, Start());


  RT Win32
Minimum supported version 4.0 4.0
Header ksapi.h ksapi.h
Library KsApi_Rtss.lib KsApi.lib

See also






